Vibrancy & Charisma

HealthCare International

A fresh approach for health insurance

HealthCare International (HCI) wanted a new start for its brand. We helped the London-based insurer define a new voice, a new visual direction, and branding that exudes positivity.


After that, we rolled the new brand out across every single consumer touchpoint, to ensure the brand was activated in just the right way.

Our strategic approach

The task was to position the brand as the friendly face in a technical industry.

Health insurance can be hard to grasp — particularly in European markets, where it’s less common.

By hinting at how the insurance could help support ideal lifestyles, we elevated the brand far above the details of its products.

Developing the brand

We curated a range of aspirational photography covering travel, treats and tidbits that tie right into the creative strategy. 

And then we married this up with a characteristic font, with copy carefully tuned to be just as upbeat as the visuals.

Bringing it all together

At the end of the branding project, we produced a clear set of brand guidelines to keep things consistent in the future.

And to get HCI off to the best start, we also used the guidelines ourselves to create all the collateral the team needed as a baseline.

With a blend of creative imagination and information design insight, we took care of every aspect.

Office branding, welcome packs, claim forms — you name it, we probably designed it.

What can we create for you?


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